
  • Equality & Diversity, and Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Health & Safety Covid 19 addendum

Equality, Diversity & Equal Opportunities Policy

Equality and Diversity

Parable Dance is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture. We promote diversity and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.

Parable Dance recognises that in our society power is not held equally and that groups and individuals have been and continue to be discriminated against on many grounds including, for example, race, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, class, religion, marital status and where they live.

Our aim is to ensure that all Freelancer Artists, job applicants and volunteers are given equal opportunity and that our organisation is representative of all sections of society. Each team member will be respected and valued and able to give their best as a result.

All freelancers will be treated fairly and with respect. When Parable Dance selects candidates for freelance opportunities, promotion, training, or any other benefit, it will be on the basis of their aptitude and ability.

All employees will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. Therefore, the skills and resources of our organisation will be fully utilised and we will maximise the efficiency of our whole workforce.

All project budgets will include access support to ensure that disability is not a barrier for working with Artists with disabilities.


  • We will create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued and which promotes dignity and respect for every person.
  • We will listen, ask and listen again to our local communities as we begin to build our home in New York. We want these voices to engage with the development of the Company and feel included in the journey.
  • We will ensure that our team (Staff, Freelance Artists and Volunteers) have the time, resources and support to allow them to understand more about movements including but not limited to ‘Black lives matter’ and ‘We shall not be removed’ and to reflect on this knowledge in their work.
  • We will ensure that our team are not afraid to speak out, confront and empathise. We will ensure that they know that their voices are important.
  • We will make our meetings and events fully accessible to people with disabilities – e.g. provide transport, meet in accessible premises, provide sign language interpreters when necessary, produce information in large print.
  • We will use local training opportunities to help our team members better understand how discrimination occurs and how to prevent it, including unconscious bias training.
  • At all times people’s feelings will be valued and respected. Language or humour that is offensive will not be used, e.g. sexist or racist jokes or terminology which is derogatory to someone with a disability.
  • No one will be harassed, abused or intimidated on the ground of their race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability or age. Incidents of harassment will be taken seriously.
  • We will encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures.
  • We will regularly review all our practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times.


Equal Opportunities

Parable Dance is an equal opportunities organisation dedicated to enforcing completely non-discriminatory practices and procedures.

Any persons working on behalf of Parable Dance are expected to respect and act in accordance with this policy. Bullying, harassment, and victimisation in the workplace are not tolerated and are subject to action.

  • Bullying is defined as: Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behavior that undermines, humiliates, or injures the recipient, emotionally and/or physically.
  • Harassment is defined as: Bad treatment that is related to a protected characteristic see below). Bad treatment includes intimidating, bullying, degrading, humiliating, or offensive behavior towards an individual.
  • Victimisation is defined as: Bad treatment towards an individual who has made or supported a complaint under the Equality Act 2010, including a situation where a complaint has not yet been made but it is believed a complaint may be made.

Parable Dance responds openly, fairly and without discrimination to anyone on the basis of:

  • age
  • race
  • sexual orientation
  • ethnic origin
  • nationality
  • disability
  • employment status
  • income level
  • gender
  • housing status
  • marriage, civil partnership or relationship status
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • any other grounds derived from social status or identity.

This policy is updated regularly. Anyone working on behalf of Parable Dance is aware of this policy and any changes that have been made.

Health & Safety Policy

The Director(s) of Parable Dance make a commitment to:

  • Identify the principal hazards to employees/ freelancers/ volunteers (herein ‘Adults’) and others affected by our work, and control the associated risks adequately;
  • Maintain, so far as reasonably practical, healthy and safe working conditions, e.g. access, equipment and systems of work.
  • Make sure ‘Adults’ have the necessary competency to carry out the tasks expected of them and provide appropriate and adequate training;
  • Consult ‘Adults’ on health and safety issues, and provide them with the necessary information, training and supervision;
  • Regularly review – and, if required, revise – our Health & Safety Policy
  • Have the resources to achieve the objectives outlined in the Statement of Intent.


Organisation of Health & Safety:


At Parable Dance the following people have responsibility for health and safety, including annually updating the policy:

Natasha Britton (Artistic Director) and Erica Moshman (Artistic Director)



Arrangements for Health & Safety:


  • Ensure safe and clear accesses and egresses from the buildings used for dance sessions, rehearsals, meetings etc, including fire
  • Have ‘Adults’ regularly check the room(s) used for sessions for working fixtures and fittings or electrical equipment, and take the necessary remedial
  • Have ‘Adults’ regularly check the room(s) used for sessions for hazardous objects (such as stacks of tables and chairs, faulty flooring etc.) and prepare the space, making sure it is safe, prior to a session starting.
  • Ensure that all ‘Adults’ are aware of the fire procedures for the premises being used.
  • Ensure that all ‘Adults’ are aware of the procedures in case of
  • Ensure that all ‘Adults’ are aware of and carry out their responsibilities in line with Covid-19 guidance and government regulations.
  • Ensure that at least one ‘Adult’ involved in each project has up to date ‘First Aid at Work’ training.
  • Ensure that information about participants pertaining to any medical conditions, including allergies, is known to the lead ‘Adult’ present (where Parable Dance have sole responsibility for participants).
  • Ensure that all ‘Adults’ are aware of, and carry out, their Health and Safety responsibilities as set out in this section.
  • Prohibit smoking and alcohol on the session premises.
  • Ensure the health and safety of visitors or any member of the general public who could be affected by Parable Dance’s activities.



The Directors consider these matters of such importance that breach of Health and Safety procedures by ParableDance Adults (Staff, freelancers, volunteers) constitutes misconduct and will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter. It is not possible to detail here all the Health and Safety matters that come up, so all ‘Adults’ must constantly be mindful of their responsibilities individually and collectively for the safety of themselves and others.


Health and Safety Policy: COVID-19 Addendum

COVID-19 Statement

This addendum to The Parable Dance Health and Safety Policy relates specifically to COVID-19 and the actions required by both employers and employees to maintain a safe system and place of work. This policy applies to all our employees, freelancers, volunteers, trainees and the children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in our projects.

The Directors of Parable Dance recognise that there is a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of its employees and others who may be affected by our activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to discharge our responsibilities, we will collectively:

  • Bring this Policy Statement to the attention of all staff/freelancers/ volunteers;
  • Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify proportionate and pragmatic solutions to reducing the risk of COVID-19;
  • Communicate and consult with our staff/ freelancers/ volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety;
  • Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements and government guidance;
  • Eliminate risks to health and safety, wherever possible;
  • Encourage staff/ freelancers/ volunteers to identify and report hazards in relation to COVID-19 so that we can all contribute towards improving safety;
  • Ensure that procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with the virus;
  • Only engage staff/ freelancers/ volunteers who are able to demonstrate due regard to health and safety matters and who are effectively managing the risks from the virus;
  • Provide adequate resources to control the risks arising from our work activities in relation to the virus;
  • Provide adequate training and ensure that all employees/ freelancers/ volunteers are competent to do their tasks safely;
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision for employees; and
  • Regularly monitor and revise policies and procedures as guidance changes.

Organisation responsibilities and arrangements:

In addition to the responsibilities and arrangements outlined in the full Parable Dance Health and Safety Policy, the following additional duties in relation to COVID-19 are acknowledged and recognised.

Responsibilities of the Parable Dance ‘Members’:

  • To ensure that a written policy statement is created, reviewed and updated as the situation regarding COVID-19 evolves and guidance changes.

Responsibilities of the Artistic Directors:

  • To ensure that health and safety policies and procedures as adopted by the Members are implemented consistently, across the entirety of the company;
  • that meaningful risk assessments are recorded to mitigate the risks associated with COVID- 19;
  • ensure that they communicate and consult with staff/ freelancers/ volunteers on COVID-19 issues;
  • they maintain a current knowledge, up to date with developments and guidance relating to COVID-19;
  • any issues concerning safety raised by anyone are thoroughly investigated and, when necessary, further effective controls implemented and communicated to staff/ freelancers/ volunteers;
  • safe systems of work are developed and implemented where needed;
  • personal protective equipment (PPE) is made available and maintained where appropriate,
  • and relevant staff are aware of the correct use of this and the procedures for its replacement;

Responsibilities of all staff/ freelancers/ volunteers:

  • To ensure that they follow any information, instruction, training and supervision provided to them regarding looking after their health, safety and wellbeing (including mental health) during the COVID- 19 outbreak; and
  • Raise any issues or concerns with their line manager or safety representative where applicable.

This policy statement addendum was created in September 2020. It will be reviewed and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the organisation’s activities and any changes to legislation or government guidance. Any changes to the policy will be brought to the attention of all employees/ freelancers/ volunteers.